1 Answers

1.Analyze search for high-frequency words

Use the Amazon Brand Analysis Tool (ABA), through the "Hot search terms" function to find out what the most common search terms are when the product is searched by consumers, and their corresponding hot selling products. While understanding consumer needs, find out how hot selling products cater to consumer needs through product titles;

2.Match the words that sell your product

Check the titles of other popular items that are similar or related to the unique design or selling point of the item to be listed, and refer to the description of the design or selling point of the relevant item. This kind of hot selling product may be the main or potential competitor of the product to be listed. By analyzing the title of this kind of product, the experience can be summarized for the optimization of the listing content of the product to be listed.

3.Summarize analysis results and optimize product titles

4.Rich data sources

In addition to ABA, data sources can also be enriched through other channels, such as lead detector → search term analysis. Rich data sources using different sources can be cross-verified or combined for word frequency analysis to better match the actual performance of the market;

5.Disassemble the title element

For product key points and search keywords fill in;

6.Unpack the title and five description elements

For key attributes of goods;

7.Brand name and title

Front desk to view the product display