What Factors Influence Amazon’s Choice Badge? How Amazon's Choice Badge is Acquired?

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We know that products with multiple keywords in the Amazon's Choice badge experience increased clicks and conversion rates. So how is this badge obtained, and what factors influence it?

1.What is Amazon's Choice?
Amazon's Choice is a feature introduced by Amazon to help customers save time when shopping. Based on customers' purchase history, wishlist items, and search history, Amazon marks some high-quality and well-priced products with the Amazon's Choice badge and recommends them to consumers.

Hovering over the Amazon's Choice icon displays a description: “Amazon's Choice recommends highly rated, well-priced products available to ship immediately.”
Amazon's Choice highlights highly rated, well-priced products.png

2.Why is Amazon's Choice Important?
If your product is marked with the Amazon's Choice badge, it signifies Amazon’s endorsement and recommendation to consumers. It provides a strong sense of official recognition. Consumers can judge the value of a product not only by customer reviews but also by the Amazon's Choice badge, identifying the “best” products.

Amazon's Choice products may appear lower in search results, but the prominent badge attracts clicks, typically leading to higher click-through rates compared to other products.

3.Factors Influencing Amazon's Choice
Amazon has not disclosed the exact algorithm for Amazon's Choice. However, there are some observable factors that can help achieve this badge quickly. The following six factors have a significant impact on Amazon's Choice:

▪️Sales and Conversion Rates
The key to determining a good product is its popularity among consumers. Amazon uses sales and conversion rates to judge whether a product is worth recommending.
To get Amazon's recommendation, high conversion rates and sales are essential, with sales rankings ideally within the top five in the subcategory.

▪️Product Reviews
Reviews are crucial for Amazon. Generally, products need an average rating of 4 stars or higher to qualify for the Amazon's Choice badge. In categories with low competition, even products without reviews might be recommended.

▪️Precise Keyword Usage
The keywords linked to the Amazon's Choice badge must appear in the product title and match exactly. However, perfect matches are not mandatory. The badge-related keywords can also appear in descriptions, bullet points, etc.

▪️Brand Registry
Amazon values brand registry. Products with brand registry have a better chance of getting the Amazon's Choice badge. Products with A+ content also have a higher likelihood of receiving the badge.

High return rates negatively impact a listing's status. Amazon does not recommend products with high return rates.

▪️Shipping Method
Products fulfilled by Amazon (FBA) or sold by Amazon are more eligible for the Amazon's Choice badge. If your product is hard to purchase, Amazon will not promote it. To be an FBA seller, you need to ensure fast, reliable shipping, maintain a significant inventory, and support Amazon Prime.

▪️Category Coverage
The Amazon's Choice feature covers categories such as books, audiovisual items, movies, music, games, electronics, home improvement, toys, clothing, shoes, jewelry, handmade items, outdoor products, and automotive products.

If you have any questions, feel free to discuss them with us for mutual learning.

7 Answers

Amazon's Choice officially highlights "highly rated, well-priced products available to ship immediately." This definition breaks down into three dimensions: ratings, price-performance ratio, and shipping speed.

These dimensions can be further detailed as follows:

1.Highly Rated: Number of ratings, average rating score, and low return rate.
Well-Priced Products: High cost-performance ratio.
2.Ship Immediately: FBA fulfillment and proximity of FBA inventory to the primary order locations for quick delivery.
3.Potential Influencing Factors for the Amazon's Choice Badge

Based on the above, the factors that might influence the Amazon's Choice (AC) badge include: Keywords (KW), Number of ratings, Average rating score, Return rate, FBA, fulfillment, Availability of stock in the primary sales region, System-recognized high cost-performance products. Most of these indicators are straightforward. However, understanding "well-priced products" requires further explanation.

Understanding Well-Priced Products. "Well-priced" means the price is appropriate, not necessarily the lowest. The rationale is simple: there will always be lower prices, but the lowest-priced products do not always get the AC badge. Regular observation of the frontend will reveal that the same keyword might share an AC badge across different price ranges (e.g., under $9.99, $10-$19.99, over $25). This indicates that competition is within specific price ranges, and achieving the best performance within one range can earn the badge.

Thus, we can further interpret "well-priced" as having the highest conversion rate for a particular keyword within a certain price range.

Knowing that the AC keyword functions like a baton in a relay race—where the best conversion and sales performance over time can capture the badge from competitors—means you can reclaim it by artificially creating a specific time frame. During this period, differentiate your price from competitors and monopolize the KW exposure and traffic to achieve the highest conversion within that price range.

This method has been tested and proven effective. Feel free to try it and share your results.

Amazon's Choice is aimed at the performance of products under the keyword, so the core data reference is more likely to be the performance of your products under this keyword over a period of time. Therefore, you need a good conversion data, so that your product will be selected by Amazon's Choice, and the conversion performance of your product will be good for a period of time (7-14 days), so that the platform will recommend everyone to buy your product under this keyword.

How to get it? To pay attention to the transformation of your product under this keyword, you can start with the derivative words of the keyword (with AC label), increase investment (advertising, listing, promotion, activities, etc.), and strive for natural position and Amazon's Choice logo

[Sales ranking must be in the subcategory of the current five] This point is doubtful, I see actually dozens of subcategories are recommended

It's quite simple and not overly complicated; it's primarily related to the conversion rate of a specific keyword.

Conversion Rate: I agree that it's related to the conversion rate. The Amazon's Choice (AC) badge is tied to specific keywords. For example, if your product performs well in the search results for "kids toys" and has a better conversion rate than competing products, Amazon will award you the AC badge for that keyword. Essentially, the best-performing product gets the badge. This is not related to your category ranking.

Impact on Sales: The effect of the AC badge on sales depends on the search volume of the corresponding keyword. If the keyword has a high search volume, having the AC badge can significantly boost your sales. Conversely, for low-search-volume keywords, the impact on sales will be minimal.

Star Rating: While a high rating can help, it's not the only factor. I have seen products with a 3.9-star rating holding the AC badge.

Keywords in Listing: Keywords in your listing do play a role, but it's not absolute. However, the keywords targeted in your ads have a significant impact on getting the AC badge.

Brand Registry: Without brand registry, chasing the AC badge might not be practical. Having A+ content can improve conversion rates, but ultimately, it's the conversion rate for the specific keyword that matters.

Return Rate: If your return rate is high, address that issue first, as it can negatively affect your chances of getting the AC badge.

FBA Advantage: FBA sellers do have an advantage in earning the AC badge.

The Amazon's Choice (AC) badge doesn't seem to have a significant impact. Some products have the AC badge, but their sales haven't increased much

The core factor for obtaining the Amazon's Choice badge is the conversion rate for the keyword. Securing the badge for high-traffic keywords certainly helps with sales, as the high volume of traffic combined with the badge boosts conversions. However, getting the badge for low-traffic keywords may not significantly impact sales, as the lower search volume means the sales volume won't increase much

The most directly related factors are the product's conversion rate and review ratings. Once a listing has achieved a certain level of sales and conversion rate, the quality of the listing itself becomes crucial.