How to add new variations on Amazon?

Viewed 4

I have a product that initially had two colors and was merged into a variation group. Later, I added another color.

So, I need to merge this new color variation into the existing variation group, how to process?

1 Answers

For add new variation, you can refer to the steps as follow:

1.Log in to your Amazon Seller Central account, go to the "Inventory" tab in the main menu. Choose "Manage Inventory" from the drop-down menu under the "Inventory" tab.

2.Find the product that you want to modify, click the "Edit" button next to the product you wish to edit.

3.Navigate to the "Variations" tab within the product editing section, scroll down to the "Variation Theme" section and add the new color as a variation. Provide details such as the color, price, quantity, etc. Save your changes after adding the new variation.