What factors contributing to slow goods warehousing on Amazon?

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Whenever the quantity of goods increases rapidly in the peak season, I always face the situation that the goods are slow to enter the warehouse, I want to know what is the reason

1 Answers

Reasons for Slow Goods Warehousing:

1.Shipping Issues:
During peak seasons, a substantial number of goods and shipping capacities are stranded in the United States. Booking a suitable cargo space can be time-consuming, leading to difficulties in scheduling deliveries. Additionally, unexpected blockages in shipping routes, such as incidents like the Suez Canal event, can cause significant delays as vessels alter routes or reduce speeds, resulting in prolonged warehousing times.

2.Customs Clearance Issues:
Discrepancies between the declared value and the actual value of goods during customs clearance can prompt redeclaration, causing delays in warehousing.

3.Last-Mile Challenges:
Sellers often face disruptions when last-mile transportation drivers at container terminals cease operations, temporarily shutting down the terminals and significantly impacting truck-to-door deliveries.

4.Labeling Issues:
High temperatures can cause fading of thermal paper labels, rendering them unreadable during warehouse scans. To prevent label damage during transportation, sellers are advised to opt for labels printed with carbon ribbon.

After understanding the reasons for slow warehousing on Amazon, sellers are encouraged to proactively address these issues before shipping. Increased attention to these aspects during the delivery process helps avoid unexpected incidents such as warehouse rejections or returns.